In his original glory
John Ape is the true Skips from the iconic Cartoon Network series Regular Show, created by the talented designer Trevor Brighton. Rumor has it that his original character was taken without proper credit, and we’re here to change that narrative. We're on a mission to honor Trevor Brighton's genius by giving him the recognition—and the rewards—he rightfully deserves.
we've implemented a 1/1 tax on every transaction of $SKIPS, which will be placed in a trust fund for Trevor Brighton until we secure his wallet address. This is just the beginning of our commitment to ensuring he receives the compensation and respect he's owed.
But we’re not stopping there. Our ultimate goal is to collaberate with Trevor in a way that will benefit both the project as well the artist, and allow us to fuel the project through strategic buybacks and burns. This will drive the value of $SKIPS even higher, creating a win-win for both the artist and the community.
1,000,000,000 Supply
$SKIPS is a memecoin we are paying homage to the designer Trevor Brighton for his art work.
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